2025 Conference

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

07:00 – 08:00

Registration Desk Open

Continental Breakfast
sponsored by Burns & McDonnell

Early Morning Coffee
sponsored by TC Energy

08:00 – 09:15

SESSION 5: Regional Perspectives

Regional electricity markets throughout North American are facing common challenges, from dramatic increases in electrical demand, fast changing resource mixes, public policy pressure, and customer expectations. Meeting these challenges, while remaining competitive and reliable power systems, requires innovations. This panel will discuss innovative regional approaches to enabling competition and bolstering reliability.


Elliot Mainzer, CEO, California Independent System Operator [California]
Sarah Edmonds, President, CEO Western Power Pool [Oregon]
Jack Farley, Chief Commercial Officer, Grid United [Texas]

Q & A

09:15 09:45

sponsored by ENMAX Corporation

09:45 11:00

SESSION 6: Affordability – at what cost?

Affordability with reliability is the goal, however, invest-ability might be the immediate challenge.  Will the REM support the next round of efficient and affordable generation developments when needed?  Is there a risk that the combination of ‘interim-measures’ and uncertain market design changes will mute the signal(s) required for a competitive supply response from the market?  Will we need to see much higher prices to make that happen?  Our own industry experts will discuss the very important relationships between investment confidence and affordability in the context of a complex REM design and implementation process.

Duane Reid-Carlson, President, EDC Associates Ltd

Jason Beblow, President and CEO, URICA Energy Management
Horst Klinkenborg, Senior Regulatory Advisor, Suncor Energy
Hon. Tim McMillanPartner, Garrison Strategy

Q & A   

11:00 12:15

SESSION 7: Growth Opportunities (Data)

What loads will drive growth in the market, and how do we support a reasonable response to market dynamics?

Allison Sears, Partner, Fasken

Cayla Saby, Vice President, Government Relations and Commercial, AltaLink
Sean T. Murphy, Deputy Minister and Chief Information Officer, Technology Support and Operations Division, Technology and Innovation, Government of Alberta
Ahsan Upal, Regional Manager, Canadian Business Development, Burns & McDonnell
Taylor Hammond, Head of Corporate Development, Capital Markets, eStruxture Data Centers

Q & A

12:15 13:30

sponsored by Nextracker and ATCO EnPower

13:30 14:45


Power prices are low due to over supply conditions, with significant demand creation needed to create price signals for investment.  Market redesign will also have an effect on investment decisions.  We have not even talked about the federal Canadian Electricity Regulation impact on Alberta.  What is the CEO outlook for the Alberta market?  What are the things that keep you up at night?  What opportunities do you see?

Lisa Mueller, President & CEO, FutEra Power

Mark Poweska, President & CEO, ENMAX Corporation
Bob Myles, Chief Operating Officer, ATCO EnPower
John Kousinioris, President and CEO, TransAlta

Q & A