2025 Conference

Monday, March 10, 2025

07:00 – 08:00

Registration Desk Open

Continental Breakfast
sponsored by Capital Power

Early Morning Coffee
sponsored by FortisAlberta

08:00 – 08:15


Dustin Owens, Director, Government Relations, Berkshire Hathaway Energy Canada and IPPSA Chair
Doug Page, Executive Director, IPPSA

08:15 09:15

A conversation with Minister Neudorf on the state of the Alberta Electricity market.

Pauline Mclean, Senior Vice President, External Relations and Chief Legal Officer, Capital Power

Honourable Nathan Neudorf, Minister, Affordability and Utilities, Government of Alberta

Q & A

09:15 10:30

SESSION 1: Canadian Political and Regulatory Climate (fireside chat)

Canadian productivity is increasingly a central concern for Canada and this discussion will look at the political, economic and regulatory trends that may be the root cause.

Scott Thon, President and CEO, Berkshire Hathaway Energy

The Right Honourable Stephen J. Harper, 22nd Prime Minister of Canada
The Right Honourable Jean Chrétien, 20th Prime Minister of Canada

Q & A

10:30 11:00

sponsored by EDC Associates Ltd

11:00 – 12:15

SESSION 2: Designed for Investment?

This panel will discuss the key economic characteristics of Alberta’s forthcoming Restructured Energy Market. Focusing on both the bespoke and standard elements of the proposed market design, the panel will tackle fundamental questions: are there sufficient new investment signals and how will they influence the technologies and timing of investment?

Ruhee Ismail-Teja, Vice-President, Policy and External Affairs, Calgary Chamber of Commerce

Matthew Davis, Vice President, Regulatory, Policy and Government Relations, Capital Power
Jason Chee-Aloy, Managing Director, Power Advisory
Kyle MittonCFO and VP, Corporate Development, Maxim Power Corp 

Q & A

12:15 13:30

sponsored by BHE Canada and Northland Power

13:30 – 14:45

SESSION 3: Reliability

There’s a thin line between civilization and chaos, and that line is electricity. This panel will discuss how industry is maintaining reliability during the energy expansion and how the grid of the future will likely look much different from that of the past 120 years.

Jason Doering, Vice President, Corporate Operational Services, ENMAX

James Robb, President and Chief Executive Officer, North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC)
Darin Watson, President, Alta Solutions Inc
Janine Sullivan, President and Chief Executive Officer FortisAlberta

Q & A

14:45 15:15

sponsored by Power Advisory

15:15 16:30

SESSION 4:  Powering Alberta’s Clean Future: Decarbonization under the REM

Join industry leaders and experts as they explore how Alberta can continue to decarbonize its electricity sector in the Restructured Energy Market (REM). Will the REM meet its decarbonization objective, or could Alberta’s emissions intensity rise under the new market? What technologies will shape the future of clean energy in the province, and how can they drive long-term affordability and sustainability? This panel will dive into the strategies and technologies that could make a cleaner, greener grid a reality, while balancing affordability and innovation.

Jennifer Rumas, Director, Regulatory, Sustainability & Government Affairs, ATCO EnPower

Jeff Pearson, President, Wolf Carbon
Sandra Dykxhoorn, Vice President, New Nuclear Growth, OPG
Grant Arnold, President and CEO, BluEarth Renewables Inc.

Q & A

16:30 – 17:00


17:00 – 18:30

Women + Power Reception

18:30 – 22:30

Conference Dinner
Sponsored by Black & Veatch